The G-Gem
The story of Gege began in the Qing Dynasty, it was the Manchu style of an imperial-born princess of an emperor. But who is Gege Wu-Shi? Entrepreneur, Miss Multivese China, Girlboss, a passionate jewerly lover, and above all a creative soul. Inspried by her life in Beijing, Hongkong, NYC and Munich, she decided to follow her dream and founded her own jewellery brand G-Gem.
G-Gem aims to create high quality, carbon negative pieces of jewellery at affordable prices. The G-Gem spirit is to spread power, positivity, love and energy to all the goddesses around the world. Our 'G-Gemers' share the attitude of being their own princesses, queens and empresses. We believe in our dreams, we active the best versions of ourselves with stunning and charming pieces of G-Gem jewellery. We are precious and unique Gems.